App Springfield Like

Madrid Games Week 2015
10 November, 2015

App Springfield Like


/Our development team has cooked this original app, which can be downloaded from App Store or Play Store.

Like, the new springfield’s fragance is already on the shops. It came along with an impressive launching campaing, centered on social media, talking face to face to the young audience, passionate for fashion, technology and trends.

Live! has been present in this campaing along with Project Room, creating one of the most important actions: Springield Like’s app. Our development team has cooked this original app, which can be downloaded from App Store or Play Store, and which gives the change to win 3.000 euros to anyone who gives a like.

With Springfield Like installed in your Android or iPhone, you only have to take a photograph of whatever you prefer, add a “like” steaker and upload it to your social media under the hashtag #LikeYouandMe to aim for the prize.