Wings for Life World Run. Running for the one who can’t.

Internet of things in Vodafone Business University
10 July, 2017
Empresa y Sociedad interviews Nacho Galindo.
13 July, 2017

Wings for Life World Run. Running for the one who can’t.

/Live! arranged 6 fixed cameras, one of them in a 9 meters tall crane and 5 live independent cameras.

Wings for Life World Run is a global race which in 2017 celebrated its 4th edition in 24 countries simultaneously. At 1 pm, spanish time, a gun shot started the race with more than 130.000 participants in this edition. The route was done during the day, night, sunrise, under a burning sun or a perfect storm; everything for a food cause: obtaining finance for spinal cord’s studies. This edition raised 6,6 million dollars.

This global event requires a technical display of biblical proportions. In Spain, the city of Cience and Arts was the spectacular scenery where Wings for Life World Run stared. The production and broadcast of the national signal was trusted to Live! Audiovisual, which arranged 6 fixed cameras, one of them in a 9 meters tall crane and 5 live independent cameras to cover the whole itinerary during more than the 5 hours which the race lasted for.

In 2017 Live! was also in charge of the event documentary’s production for its emission in Eurosport. This TV product reflects the participant’s effort, which year after year give the best of themselves to fight for a cause as important as this one. The national and international images were mixed with interviews of anonimous runners who told us why did they run this race and, of great athletes who participated in the competition such as Chema Martinez or Gisela Pulido among others.