E-learning and MOOC: Education’s future is our current present.

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E-learning and MOOC: Education’s future is our current present.

/Distance learning is not a new concept. Since several decades, it has been totally set up and recognised by multiple universities.

Distance learning is not a new concept. Since several decades, it has been totally set up and recognised by multiple universities. Its characteristics take a stance as an easy way to learn for the pupil: time flexibility, time self-management, savings in transportation…

To all these benefits we need to add the appareance of new technologies in the last years. This is where the main characters of this post come into scene: e-learning and MOOCs.

Lets start from the epicenter of this educative revolution. What is e-learning? This concept consists of the use of internet as a tool of distance education and the introduction of electronic means to bring closer the topics to the pupils. These means and this new format make possible that the communication and the interaction between the pupil and the teacher becomes immediate, biderectional and social. Electronic learning eliminate temporal or spacial barrieras and enables educational flexibility, constant content update and a smooth communication between participants.

What does MOOC mean? Massive open online course. That is, a course which does not have a maximum number of participants, open to anyone and accesible through the internet. Its such the success of these courses that nearly all universities, internationally, have MOOCs under their educational offer. That is, a student in Madrid can participate in a course cosigned by Harvard University.

Currently, the majority of e-learning content is presented through interative platforms in which materials are combined in different formats: text, images, interactive graphics, audios and video. Video is becoming the favourite format as it has the capacity to combine the rest of the formats with a narrative flexibility when it comes to present content in an atractive way for the students. The latest technological progress in the matter of motion graphics and interactive video, exponentially multiply this narrative flexibility of the format.

Live ! Audiovisual has been colaborating for several years with big companies like Telefónica Educación Digital or Netex, experts in creating formative content. We have worked for private companies, universities, public institutions which form part of our working portfolio in terms of educative formats. If you want to know more about these services, do not hesitate in contacting us.