Professional Streaming: A strategy to position your company

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Professional Streaming: A strategy to position your company

/Streaming is the transmission of content through data flows which travel through networks until they reach a receiver device.

The word streaming has been building in our vocabulary since a couple of years ago, but what is streaming? direct or pre-recorded? professional or user level? We resolve some of these doubts about this technology, which ir becoming a fundamental strategy in online marketing of big corporations.

Streaming is the transmission of content through data flows which travel through networks until they reach a receiver device. This device rebuilds data packages and arranges them in real time, so that their consumption is constant and optimal. Streaming’s audiovisual content can be pre-recorded or live. Obviously, the delivery of data in live broadcasting in high quality needs a very different technology to the images in pre-recording.

The publication of the signal can be done in the brand’s website, in a specific microsite designed for this emission, in social media’s streaming platforms and/or as a mix of these options

Since 2017, the main social media networks jump on the bandwagon with live streamings. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Youtube are always active in the constant battle to stay updated, playing all their cards to offer their users the chanse to share video live content.

/Twitter has taken a step forward with Periscope Producer, an evolution of their app in which you can include more than one video source on the same live signal.

Instagram with its stories, Facebook with Facebook Live, Youtube’s live broadcasting or Twitter with Periscope; are the investment of these social media networks on a user level for online content, although on a corporation level, businesses can also benefit from these new tools. These communicaiton tools are a treasure for marketing departments of big companies, which are taking advantage of this gold mine; to show their products through a video format in a controlled and dinamic manner which allows them to connect directly with their real audience.

All of these platforms are fertilizing the audiovisual landscape on social media to favour the growth of new formats, because on a professional level we are not talking of a live video recorded with someone’s personal phone, we are speaking of much more. For example, Twitter has taken a step forward with Periscope Producer, an evolution of their app in which you can include more than one video source on the same live signal.

As well as this, counting with the technical ability and the necessary techology, the video signal can be enriched until unknown limits. Professional streaming can have the same quality of a convetional live tv programme, or furthermore, it can include interactivity on broadcast formats with the integration of real time graphisms, such as the generated comments of the brand’s social media profiles.

As a conclusion, streaming has become a very powerful and profitable tool for companies due to its low cost, its high customization capacity and its high user impact; as users demand more video content with a bigger immediacy offered by live streamings. This immediacy involves a risk due to the number of factors which take part in this kind of service. To guarantee its success, it is highly recommended to trust the services of companies with wide experience in professional streaming.

If you want to broadcast an event and take the commercial advantages that streaming can give your company, do not hesitate to contact us.